5 Reasons to Buy Handmade Jewelry

5 Reasons to Buy Handmade Jewelry

Accessories are known to enhance the appearance of a person; they add desirability of an outfit making it appear more appealing. Types of accessories include; earrings, necklaces, rings, bangles that could be put on the neck, arm, waist, etc. It is possible to find...
What to Look for When Buying a Handmade Jewelry

What to Look for When Buying a Handmade Jewelry

All handmade jewelry is not made equal, this includes, the durability and the materials used. Some buyers have experienced a situation when the beads from handmade jewelry fall off, others experience where the jewelry stretches much more than it was bought, others...
How to Care for Handmade Jewelry

How to Care for Handmade Jewelry

The most important step one can take to preserve any jewelry is simply by cleaning it, to preserve the beauty and its longevity. For beaded jewelry one can use a soft cotton cloth and some water but one should not leave the jewelry soak for an extended period. For...
Benefits of Buying Handmade Jewelry

Benefits of Buying Handmade Jewelry

In todays society, handmade jewelry is one of the most sought after types of jewelry. Handcrafted jewelry is made by hands and rather not machines. The handmade pieces are made by artisans to represent many things which include culture and many various reasons. Here...
Advantages of Buying Handmade Jewelry

Advantages of Buying Handmade Jewelry

We realize that handmade earrings cater to an entirely different market segment. The buyer of handmade earcuffs, generally speaking, does not pay attention to brand names but they rather focus on the quality of the jewelry pieces. This is because handcrafted earrings...